
Senin, 24 Maret 2008


Susanti Faipri Selegi


The research entitled “A Discourse Analysis of the Short Stories in The Jakarta Post” is aimed at describing types and items of grammatical cohesion that commonly occur in the short stories of The Jakarta Post.

This research uses descriptive and discourse analysis. The data are pieces of texts from the short stories in The Jakarta Post. The data are analysed based on types and items of grammatical cohesion. This research belongs to qualitative research, that is the discussion about the form of words, phrases, clauses and sentence in the short stories.

The result of this research shows that grammatical cohesion among sentences in the short stories can be classified into four kinds. They are (1) reference, (2) substitution, (3) ellipsis, and (4) conjunction. From the four grammatical cohesions, the analysis result shows that the types and items of grammatical cohesion which are more dominant are pronominal reference and additive conjunction. There are 299 pronominal references out of 364 items of grammatical cohesion or 82.1 % and 191 additive conjunctions out of 348 items of grammatical cohesion or 54.8 %. Pronominal references are found in the short stories because the writer of the short stories wants to show clear characters such as singular pronoun, plural pronoun and possessive pronoun. While, the additive conjunction and, or, nor, likewise are used cohesively, to link one sentence to another.
Meanwhile, other grammatical cohesion items have lower frequency, they are demonstratives, comparatives; positive, comparative and superlative, nominal substitutes, verbal substitutes, clausal substitutes, nominal ellipsis, verbal ellipsis, clausal ellipsis, adversatives, causal and the last temporal. They are in the lower frequency because the writer of the short stories rarely uses in discourse especially prose discourse. Besides, the short stories in The Jakarta Post tends to be short, brief, and simple.

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