Dwi Sulistyowati
Dwi Sulistyowati
The title of the research is A Deconstruction Analysis in Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House. The writer is motivated to choose the play A Doll’s House as her topic in this S-1 thesis because of the following; first, the play is the best play of Henrik Ibsen on the 19th century and it has been transferred into the film. The second, the language of the play A Doll’s House is not too difficult to be understood. The third, there are some moral values of the play. The objective of this research is to describe the characterization of Nora Helmer, the trace, and the binary opposition in A Doll’s House.
In the research, the writer performs the descriptive qualitative research. The subject of the research is the play entitled A Doll’s House written by Henrik Ibsen, and the object of the research is focused on a deconstruction analysis in the play. To get the needed data and information, the writer visits many libraries, does critical reading of the play and reads several related books and articles. Besides using the library research, the writer also takes the data from the internet to get some information of the play and the author completely. After the data are collected, they are analyzed by using the theory of Ratna (2004), Nurgiantoro (2002), and Abrams (1981) to observe deconstructively the characterization of the main character, and also to describe binary opposition and trace of the main character by using the theory of Derrida (1974) and Amalik (2002).
Some of the important research findings are stated as follows; firstly, the character of Nora as the main character can be categorized as a round character and based on the character, the appearance of Nora’s character is presented by using dramatic technique. Secondly, the writer finds logo-centrism, phono-centrism, binary opposition, and trace. Thirdly, the writer finds the author unconsciously uses the patriarchy system in the play. Nora Helmer’s husband uses stereotype system which makes her as peripheral woman, but actually she refuses her husband’s system. She borrows some money to save her husband’s life without knowing her husband and lays her husband about macaroon.
In the research, the writer performs the descriptive qualitative research. The subject of the research is the play entitled A Doll’s House written by Henrik Ibsen, and the object of the research is focused on a deconstruction analysis in the play. To get the needed data and information, the writer visits many libraries, does critical reading of the play and reads several related books and articles. Besides using the library research, the writer also takes the data from the internet to get some information of the play and the author completely. After the data are collected, they are analyzed by using the theory of Ratna (2004), Nurgiantoro (2002), and Abrams (1981) to observe deconstructively the characterization of the main character, and also to describe binary opposition and trace of the main character by using the theory of Derrida (1974) and Amalik (2002).
Some of the important research findings are stated as follows; firstly, the character of Nora as the main character can be categorized as a round character and based on the character, the appearance of Nora’s character is presented by using dramatic technique. Secondly, the writer finds logo-centrism, phono-centrism, binary opposition, and trace. Thirdly, the writer finds the author unconsciously uses the patriarchy system in the play. Nora Helmer’s husband uses stereotype system which makes her as peripheral woman, but actually she refuses her husband’s system. She borrows some money to save her husband’s life without knowing her husband and lays her husband about macaroon.
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