
Kamis, 26 Juni 2008


Yulia Endang Purnamawati


Stress is normal part of human living. It is happen in our everyday life and almost of us ever experience it. Stress can affect our health both physical and psychological. Stress can be caused by some factors and need some coping strategies to handle it. In writing this graduating paper, the writer chooses Lauren Weisberger’s novel as the object of the study because this novel has some interesting topics which can be analyzed and has never been analyzed by other students, especially the student of Ahmad Dahlan University. The objectives of this study are to describe the sources of stress and coping strategies used by the main character to deal with her stress.

The method of this research used by the writer is library method. This method of research consists of method of collecting the data and method of analyzing the data. In collecting the data, the writer uses library data which divided into two that are primary data which is taken from the novel Everyone Worth Knowing by Lauren Weisberger and secondary data which taken from psychological books and electronical sources that are relevant to the research. In analyzing the data, psychological approach is applied. In this research, the writer used psychological theory of John W. Santrock that is theory of stress, to describe the sources of Bette’s stress and coping strategies used by Bette to deal with her stress.

After analyzing the novel Everyone Worth Knowing, it can be concluded that Bette’s stress is caused by personality factor that is her character such as easy-going, detail oriented, realistic, self control, and hard working; environmental factor such as life events and daily hassles, conflict, and work related-stress and also from sociocultural factor that is poverty. Moreover, the writer also discovers coping strategies used by Bette are: (1) emotion focused-coping such as smoking, drinkink alcohol, eating, distracting, and repressing, (2) Optimism and positive thinking, (3) Social support from her parents, uncle, best friend, boyfriend and from the book club she joint, (4) Assertive behavior, and (5) Stress management program that is meditation

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