
Selasa, 01 Juli 2008



Esthi Puriwi


The title of this research is A CONTRASTIVE STUDY OF ENGLISH AND JAVANESE DERIVATIONAL AFFIXES. In this research, the researcher here discusses the affixation process especially in derivational affixes. The objectives of this study are to analyze the types, meanings, functions of derivational affixes that often appear in English and Javanese short stories, and to describe the similarities and differences of derivational affixes both two languages short stories that are analyzed.

In this research, the researcher applies qualitative research which suitable with the data forms. The data of this research are words with contain of the derivational affixes. The primary data of this research are words from English and Javanese short stories, and the secondary data are are taken from the affixation theory from several books. In method of collecting data, the researcher uses “metode simak” (observing method) and continued by “teknik catat” (note technique). First, the researcher reads the short stories. Then, she writes all the words with contain of the derivational affixes. Then all of the data are noted in data cards. The data are identified and classified based on the result and the position where the derivational affixes added, the types of derivational affixes, the functions, the meanings, and the similarities and differences of English and Javanese derivational affixes. In method of analyzing data, the researcher applies the contrastive method from Poedjosudarmo.

The result of this research shows that the classification of derivational affixes would change the class word. The classification of derivational affixes based on the position that often appear in English are prefixes and suffixes, and in Javanese are prefixes, suffixes, infixes, and circumfixes. The meanings of derivational affixes that frequently appear in English are negative meaning, not, again, reserve action, act of, able to be etc. The meanings of derivational affixes in Javanese are to do, looking for, agent, suffering, condition, etc. The functions of derivational affixes that are often appear in English are to change adjective to adjective, noun to noun, and adjective to verb, noun to adjective, verb to verb, verb to noun, etc. The functions of derivational affixes in Javanese are to change noun to verb, noun to adjective, verb to noun, adjective to noun, etc. There are also several similarities and differences of English and Javanese derivational affixes. The similarities are both of two languages have prefixes and suffixes. There are also verbalization, adjectivation, and nominalization in there. The difference is that English has only prefixes and suffixes but Javanese has not only prefixes and suffixes but also infixes and circumfixes. In fact, both of English and Javanese have derivational affixes.

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