Esti Widiyawati
The title of this thesis is Permissive Culture in European Society in 1980’s Era as Reflected in Rosa Liksom’s One Night Stand: A Sociocultural Analysis. The writer is motivated to choose Rosa Liksom’s One Night Stand as her topic in this thesis because of the following:first, cultural change that happen in European Society might influence changes in all aspects of lives, especially it can influence Indonesian culture.These influences can be bad influences. Second, Rosa Liksom’s One Night Stand is a novel that gives new insight on literary study, since it is considered as punk literature, it is quiet different with other novel that talks about romance or tragedy written by English author. The third, there are some moral values of the novel that can be taken. The objective of this research are to describe the kinds of permissive culture, to describe the reasons of permissive culture, and to find the moral values that can be taken from Rosa Liksom’s One Night Stand.
In this research, the writer performs descriptive qualitative research. The subject of the research is the novel One Night Stand which consists of forty three short stories written by Rosa Liksom. The object of the research is focused on permissive culture in 1980’s as describe in the novel. This research is grouped into a library research. The primary source is the novel entitles One Night Stand, while the secondary sources are any books in relation to the study. The data of the research are gathered through observation and documentation The writer also takes the data from the internet. Finally, they are analyzed by using the socio-cultural approach proposed by Faruk (1994).
The result of the research shows that the permissive culture in European society in 1980’s era such as free sex, cohabitation, lesbian and homosexual, juvenile delinquency, drinking habit, woman smoking, drug and narcotics habit caused by environmental influences, the lack of the family rules, freedom in all aspects of life and biological factor. The moral values that can be found in One Night Stand are permissive culture is a form of human morality degradation and it should not be transferred nor being developed by other countries. Family plays an important role in controlling their children to be far from any kinds of permissiveness. Parents must pay more attention to their children and concern in all their children’s balance life. Sex education is important to be taught by young people so that they can avoid it and far from the bad effects of free sex. Government should give freedom to the citizens in a right place, and give freedom by considering moral values, religion rules, and norm that should be obeyed by all citizens.
In this research, the writer performs descriptive qualitative research. The subject of the research is the novel One Night Stand which consists of forty three short stories written by Rosa Liksom. The object of the research is focused on permissive culture in 1980’s as describe in the novel. This research is grouped into a library research. The primary source is the novel entitles One Night Stand, while the secondary sources are any books in relation to the study. The data of the research are gathered through observation and documentation The writer also takes the data from the internet. Finally, they are analyzed by using the socio-cultural approach proposed by Faruk (1994).
The result of the research shows that the permissive culture in European society in 1980’s era such as free sex, cohabitation, lesbian and homosexual, juvenile delinquency, drinking habit, woman smoking, drug and narcotics habit caused by environmental influences, the lack of the family rules, freedom in all aspects of life and biological factor. The moral values that can be found in One Night Stand are permissive culture is a form of human morality degradation and it should not be transferred nor being developed by other countries. Family plays an important role in controlling their children to be far from any kinds of permissiveness. Parents must pay more attention to their children and concern in all their children’s balance life. Sex education is important to be taught by young people so that they can avoid it and far from the bad effects of free sex. Government should give freedom to the citizens in a right place, and give freedom by considering moral values, religion rules, and norm that should be obeyed by all citizens.
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