
Minggu, 24 Agustus 2008



This exceptional review book provides extensive coverage of every aspect of nursing pharmacology. Students will appreciate the organized outline format when searching for information; and the questions and answers complete with rationale serve to enhance understanding and retention of learned material. Each chapter includes: Definition and Description, Physiologic Mechanism of Action, Indications, Contraindications, Side and Adverse Effects, Drug Interactions, Administration Information, Evaluation of Drug Therapy (including Nursing Assessment and Nursing Intervention), and Specific Information (including examples).

since I was in the third year of my medical school I had always difficulties in understanding pharmacology. but when I got this book I found it of a great benifit for me.it highlight the emportant points in a will organized maner.it allowed me review pharmacology without need to use a huge and coplicated text.it is cretical for anyone want a good and simple review for pharmacology.the author presents his book in a clear format.I found it very helpfull in getting ready to USMLE exam step 1 and also for brief review of farmacology before taking USMLE step2.I recommend those who want to pass USMLE exams to try it.

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