This S1 thesis entitled ”Contrastive Analysis Between English and Indonesian Syntactic Devices” is intended to give a description of English and Indonesian syntactic devices and to show the similarities and differences between them. The research type used in the study is descriptive research on which it is based on the descriptive data.
The objects of the research are English and Indonesian Syntactic devices taken from the books Understanding English Grammar by Wardhaugh Ronald (1977), The Structure of American English by W. Nelson Francis (1986) Modern English A Practical References Guide by Marcella Frank (1972), Introduction To Linguistic Analysis by Ramelan (1992), Essential of English Sentence Structure by Nuryanto (1986), Analisis Bahasa by Samsuri (1994) Tata Bahasa Indonesia, Sekolah Menegah Tingkat Atas by Gorys Keraf (1985) Tata Bahasa Baru Bahasa Indonesia by S. Takdir Alisyahbana (1980) Tata Bahasa Rujukan Bahasa Indonesia by Gorys Keraf (1991) Tata Kalimat Bahasa Indonesia by Samsuri (1981). In collecting the data, the writer uses the four techniques: except Teknik Rekam. Teknik Catat is used to find the data of verbs in many books. Teknik Pisah is used to separate English from Indonesian syntactic devices. Teknik Balik is used to translate some Indonesian vocabularies to English syntactic devices. In analyzing the data contrastive analysis is applied to find the similarities and differences between English and Indonesian syntactic devices.
After analyzing the data, it is found that both English and Indonesian have syntactical devices. English has five syntactical devices: inflection, derivation, word order and basic sentence patterns, function words, and prosody, and Indonesian language also has five syntactical devices: infleksi, derivasi, kata tugas, tertib kata and pola dasar kalimat, and intonasi and both have the similarities and differences between English and Indonesian in syntactic devices. The similarities are: (1) English and Indonesian use inflectional suffixes. (2) English and Indonesian derivational processes use derivational affixes including prefixes and suffixes. (3) In English and Indonesian sentences, the subject always comes before the predicate or the verb, two basic sentence patterns of English and Indonesian are similar as in S + V (English) similar to FN + FV (4) To lengthen a sentence, English and Indonesian function words use prepositions, conjunctions, and coordinators. (5) English and Indonesian show pitch, stress, and juncture. The differences between English and Indonesian syntactic devices are: (1) English inflection formations show the plural suffixes and possessive suffix meanwhile Indonesian inflections show prefix what consists of prefix me-, ber-, pe-, and ter- and suffix –kan. (2) Indonesian syntactic devices show prefixes but English syntactic devices only show suffixes (3) Indonesian derivational processes use confixes and infixes meanwhile English use derivational prefix and suffix. (4); An English sentence always needs a verb or at least there must be a linking verbs; meanwhile Indonesian language has FN + FA, FN1 + FN2, and FN + FNu; English and Indonesian are also different in terms of word order on which the modifier of English noun phrase usually comes in front of the headword; meanwhile, Indonesian language has the other way arround. (5) English and Indonesian function words are different on their kinds and Indonesian function words use particles (-kah, -lah, and –pun). (6) Indonesian shows duration but there is no duration in English. (7) English stress can change the meaning of the words but Indonesian stress does not change the meaning of words.
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