Reni Pujiastuti
Reni Pujiastuti
This research entitled “MENTAL PERSONALITY DISORDER OF THE PROTAGONIST AS REFLECTED IN SIDNEY SHELDON’S TELL ME YOUR DREAMS: A PSYCHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS” is intended to describe the characterization of the character Ashley in the novel Tell Me Your Dreams by Sidney Sheldon, the cause of mental personality disorder of the protagonist characters in the novel Tell Me Your Dreams by Sidney Sheldon, and it is also aimed to describe the way the protagonist character overcomes the suffering of mental personality disorder in the novel Tell Me Your Dreams by Sidney Sheldon.
The writer chooses qualitative method to analyze the data since the data are in form of words. Meanwhile, the data collecting method is done through literary study to get an exact and factual data. In this research, the researcher uses the library method which is able to be done through library data searching. The technique or method of library research is a method used in finding, studying, and selecting the books which are the data sources.
The results of the study show that the protagonist character is a beautiful smart talented woman but a pessimistic one, who has dissociative identity disorder (DID). She has two alters, Toni and Alette, and these two new characters of her are sometimes cruel and sometimes soft. Through her new alter; she kills every man who wants to do sexual abuse to her. This is because of her trauma when she was a child on which she experienced a sexual harassment by her father. Finally, she can be cured through a special therapy for a DID patient.
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mba/mas boleh minta versi lengkapnya mba/ mas? saya perlu banget . ini pin saya 7DD39204 or trimakasih sebelum dan sesudahnya..
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