
Senin, 23 Februari 2009



This research entitled “A Study of Textual Aspect of Narrative Discourse of “Jagading Lelembut” in Djaka Lodang Magazine” is intended to find out the types of grammatical cohesion and the types of lexical cohesion in narrative discourse of Jagading Lelembut in Djaka Lodang magazine.

The type of this research belongs to descriptive qualitative method because there is not any statistical procedure nor calculation. The object of this research is the narrative discourse of Jagading Lelembut in Djaka Lodang magazine published in May-July 2008. In collecting the data, the writer uses noting technique. She reads the data then writes down the sentences bearing grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion and analyzes them.

The result of the research shows that grammatical cohesion among sentences in the narrative discourse of Jagading Lelembut in Djaka Lodang can be classified into four types. They are reference (personal, demonstrative, and comparative), ellipsis (nominal, verbal, and clausal), substitution (nominal), and conjunction (coordinating and subordinating). The lexical cohesion among sentences in the narrative discourse of Jagading Lelembut in Djaka Lodang can be classified into two types. They are reiteration (repetition, synonym, antonym, hyponym, and metonym) and collocation.



This research is under the title A Syntactic Analysis of Clause in Islam Chat Room in Yahoo Messenger on the Internet which is proposed to describe the clause applied in Islam Chat Room in Yahoo Messenger on the Internet. The description includes the kinds of clause and the patterns of clause applied in Islam Chat Room in Yahoo Messenger on the Internet.

This research uses syntactic approach to identify the data and is a qualitative research. This research uses noting in collecting the data and uses distributional method to analyze the data. The writer analyzes the data through these methods above. Then, the writer analyzes all the data based on the kinds and patterns which are applied in Islam Chat Room in Yahoo Messenger on the Internet.

The result of this research is that the writer finds three kinds of clauses which are applied in Islam Chat Room in Yahoo Messenger on the Internet. They are adjective clause, adverbial clause and noun clause. In this research, of 40 data researched the writer finds noun clause and the others are adjective and adverbial clause. There are twenty noun clauses or 50%, twelve adjective clauses or 30% and eight adverbial clauses or 20% of the total number of data. The writer also finds the patterns of clause in this research. In this research, the writer finds the pattern of clauses as follows: SV, SVA, SVC, SVO, SVOC, SVOO, and SVOA. The most fragment pattern the writer finds in this research is SVO. It is about 45% of forty clauses analyzed. The second is SVC. It is about 35% of forty clauses analyzed. The third is SV, SVA and SVOA. The writer finds 15% of forty clauses and the last is SVOC and SVOO, 3% of SVOO and 2% SVOC. The writer finds the most patterns SVO, It is because the pattern of SVO is the common and basic pattern of English language and the others are the following patterns.

Minggu, 08 Februari 2009

B. Theoretical Framework : 1. Language

This part is theoretical framework which belongs to chapter 2 of the research entitled "A Comparative study between Mandarin and English phonological System

B. Theoretical Framework
1. Language
There is an article in a website which defines the meaning of the language. Language is communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols. In other words, a language is a system as used by a nation, people, or other distinct community; often contrasted with dialect. (“Language”, 2008: par.1). Language may be one of the characteristic which differentiates human from other creature. To communicate with other people, a human uses language which could be understood by the hearer. A language is used by human as the media to transfer some ideas which could be analyzed and be improved by the hearer.
It is known that language has certain functions. There are three functions of language. The first function of language is a medium of communication. Krasen and friends in Wibadayulastuti’s thesis states that there are three types of communication:
a) one-way communication
It means that the hearer listen to the speaker without any respond. The example of one-way communication is someone who is watching reporters on TV or listening radio.

b) restricted two way-communication
In this communication the hearer responds orally to the speaker, but the hearer does not use the speaker’s language. For example, when a teacher teaches a certain language in the class, a student understands the teacher’s language but the student responds using his/her mother tongue.
c) full two-way communication
In this communication, the speaker speaks in a certain language, and the hearer responds in the same language. For example, in any situations of conversation, the speaker and the hearer have known each other about the language which is used by them.
The second function of language is for socialization. The language becomes the symbol to conduct any relationship. It does not mean that without a language people can not socialize into a society, but it is a symbol of the social solidarity to those who speak the language. The third function of language is for cultural accumulation and historical transmission. In this case, the function of language can be seen when someone makes proverbs or song rhyme. People can do many things using a language to create some aesthetic value of language.
Language may be only the small thing to support the culture, but this takes the biggest part in its function. There are many things that someone can do with language. When someone wants to express his/her feeling, or wants to join any society or even wants to transmit any information, he/she can use language as the medium.

2. Phonological System

Previous part: A. Theoretical Approach


This is the theoretical approach of the research entitled " A Comparative Study between Mandarin and English Phonological System.


A. Theoretical Approach
Based on the reason for choosing the subject, there are many points of problems. To make the research focus, the researcher takes phonological aspect as the basic knowledge background; or in other words, the researcher uses phonological approach to analyze some problems in this research paper. It is understood that phone is speech sound which is symbolized by [ ], and then phonetics is the study of the sounds of human speech. It is concerned with the actual properties of speech sounds (phones), and their production, audition and perception, as opposed to phonology, which is the study of sound systems and abstract sound units (such as phonemes and distinctive features). Phonetics deals with the sounds themselves rather than the contexts in which they are used in languages (“Segments”, 2007: par.6).

Shortly, phonetics is the study of speech sound as sounds in any human language; and phonology is the study of sound system or sound pattern. Then, what is phoneme? Phoneme is the theoretical representation of a sound. It is a sound of a language as represented (or imagined) without reference to its position in a word or phrase (“Phoneme”, 2007: par.1). In short, phoneme is stock of sounds units in each human language. It is symbolized by / /.

It is known that English and Mandarin are different in language family; English is from Indo-German family and Mandarin is from Sino-Tibetan family language. Because the research compares two languages which are in different family in language, the researcher uses contrastive approach. According to Poedjosoedarmo (unpublished: 49), contrastive analysis is a research which compares two languages by opposing the language element of two languages. The researcher analyzes the phonological system, so that this research is done by analyzing the consonant, vowel, and also suprasegmental phoneme.
According to Mahsun (2005: 240-245) There are some steps to do the research:
1. To compare all of the phenomena which can be applied in each category
In this step, there are two activities which will be done; writing (coding), giving commentary to the writing by comparing it.
2. To integrate the category and the feature
The researcher compares the phenomena which appear with the characteristic of the data which are produced in the first step.
3. To limit the scope of the theory
The researcher must be able to limit some theories which are formed in two steps above based on the relevance and then put it into a category and the wider characteristic.
4. To write the theory
The researcher must hold a seminar to discuss the theory before the researcher writes it and publishes it.
From the explanation above, it is known that this analysis will find a cyclic relation between collecting data and analyzing data.

Previous part : Chapter I ><> Next : theoretical framework