
Minggu, 08 Februari 2009

B. Theoretical Framework : 1. Language

This part is theoretical framework which belongs to chapter 2 of the research entitled "A Comparative study between Mandarin and English phonological System

B. Theoretical Framework
1. Language
There is an article in a website which defines the meaning of the language. Language is communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols. In other words, a language is a system as used by a nation, people, or other distinct community; often contrasted with dialect. (“Language”, 2008: par.1). Language may be one of the characteristic which differentiates human from other creature. To communicate with other people, a human uses language which could be understood by the hearer. A language is used by human as the media to transfer some ideas which could be analyzed and be improved by the hearer.
It is known that language has certain functions. There are three functions of language. The first function of language is a medium of communication. Krasen and friends in Wibadayulastuti’s thesis states that there are three types of communication:
a) one-way communication
It means that the hearer listen to the speaker without any respond. The example of one-way communication is someone who is watching reporters on TV or listening radio.

b) restricted two way-communication
In this communication the hearer responds orally to the speaker, but the hearer does not use the speaker’s language. For example, when a teacher teaches a certain language in the class, a student understands the teacher’s language but the student responds using his/her mother tongue.
c) full two-way communication
In this communication, the speaker speaks in a certain language, and the hearer responds in the same language. For example, in any situations of conversation, the speaker and the hearer have known each other about the language which is used by them.
The second function of language is for socialization. The language becomes the symbol to conduct any relationship. It does not mean that without a language people can not socialize into a society, but it is a symbol of the social solidarity to those who speak the language. The third function of language is for cultural accumulation and historical transmission. In this case, the function of language can be seen when someone makes proverbs or song rhyme. People can do many things using a language to create some aesthetic value of language.
Language may be only the small thing to support the culture, but this takes the biggest part in its function. There are many things that someone can do with language. When someone wants to express his/her feeling, or wants to join any society or even wants to transmit any information, he/she can use language as the medium.

2. Phonological System

Previous part: A. Theoretical Approach

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