
Minggu, 21 Juni 2009


This is the CHAPTER IV (BIBLIOGRAPHY) of the research entitled " A Comparative Study between Mandarin and English Phonological System.


Chaer, Abdul. 2007. Kajian Bahasa: Struktur Internal, Pemakaian, dan Pemelajaran. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Echols, John M. 1996. Kamus Inggris-Indonesia. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Fries, Charles C. 1957. Linguistics Across Cultures. Michigan: University of Michigan.

Fromkin, Victoria and friends. 1988. An Introduction to Language. Australia: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston Inc.

Hyman, Larry M. 1975.2nd Australian ed. Phonology: Theory and Analysis. United States of America: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston Inc.

Mahsun. 2006. Metode Penelitian Bahasa. Jakarta: PT. RajaGrafindo Persada.

Moleong, Lexy. 1989. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: CV. Remadja Karya.

Tim Kamus Universitas Peking. 2001. Kamus Praktis Indonesia – Tionghoa dan Tionghoa-Indonesia. Jakarta: Dian Rakyat.

Wibadayulastuti. 2003. A Comparative Study on the Bangkanese Malay and the English Phonological System. Yogyakarta: Ahmad Dahlan University.


“Allophone”. 15 February 2008.

“Phoneme”. March 27th, 2008.

“Phonetics: Speech Sound”. 2005.

“Phonology: sound systems of language”. 2005.

“Pinyin”. October 2006. 18 December 2006

“Pronunciation of Mandarin Chinese”. 18 December 2006. sinosplice.com/lang/pronunciation>

“Prosody (Linguistics). 22 February 2007.

“Segment”. March 2007.<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/>

“Standard English”. April 2008.

“Standard Mandarin”. June 2007.

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This is the CHAPTER IV (CONCLUSIONS) of the research entitled " A Comparative Study between Mandarin and English Phonological System.
This research analyzes the difference phonemic system between Mandarin and English. The different speech sounds (phone) between English and Mandarin are in:

1. initial sounds
a) Labial :[b], [p],
b) Alveolar: [d], [t],
c) Velar [g], [k], [h],
d) Palatal: [j], [q], [x],
e) Dental sibilant: [z], [c],
f) Retroflex: [zh], [ch],
g) Other comments on initial letters in Mandarin Chinese: [y].
2. final sounds
a) Simple one vowel
It has some difference with English in the:
1) Mandarin pinyin “e” which is pronounced [ә];
2) Mandarin pinyin “i” which is pronounced [i] or [ә];
3) Mandarin pinyin “o” which is pronounced [w] or [u];
4) Mandarin pinyin “u” which is pronounced [u] or [ü];
b) Compound final sounds (two vowels/diphongs)
1) Mandarin pinyin “iao/yao” which is pronounced /yau/;
2) Mandarin pinyin “you” which is pronounced /you/;
3) Mandarin pinyin “-ou” which is pronounced /ou/
4) Mandarin pinyin “üe” which is pronounced /üe/
5) Mandarin pinyin “ uo” which is pronounced /uo/
c) Nasal final sounds
1) Front nasal
i. Mandarin pinyin “ian” which is pronounced /iәn/
ii. Mandarin pinyin “üan” which is pronounced / üan /
iii. Mandarin pinyin “ün” which is pronounced /ün/
2) Back Nasal
i. Mandarin pinyin “eng” which is pronounced /әŋ/
ii. Mandarin pinyin “ong” which is pronounced /uŋ/

The allophonic variations of Mandarin and English phone are very different. It is known that in English phonetics, an allophone is shown in [p], [t], and [k] phones. But in Mandarin, aspiration is not an allophone because Mandarin speakers treat aspirated sound as different sound.

For Mandarin speaker, an allophone occurs in vowel [o], [a], and [u].
The most contrastive suprasegmental phoneme between Mandarin and English is tone. In Mandarin, tone produces a different meaning when a syllable is produced with a different tone contour. Besides, English uses intonation to express emphasis, contrast, emotion, or other such atmospheres.

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