
Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010


Yusuf Yanuar

In this research, the writer discusses the contrast between English and Sundanese derivational affixes. The aims of this research are to describe the types, meanings, the functions, then to find out the similarities and differences between English and Sundanese derivational affixes.

This graduating paper is arranged through qualitative method. The analysis of this study is made under morphological approach. The object of the research is words and phrases in short stories entitled The Man Who Could Work Miracle and Ai Siti Hayati. The writer uses observation method (metode simak) in collecting data, and then uses noting technique (teknik catat) to note data from the short stories. The data are taken from short stories The Man Who Could Work Miracle by H.G. Wells and Ai Siti Hayati by Chye Retty Isnendes. The data are taken from the internet, journals, articles, and literary works as well. This study uses a contrastive analysis that describes the comparison of two or more languages and then finds out both of similarities and differences between them. In analyzing English derivational affixes, the writer uses some theories by Ingo Plag and Laurie Bauer. Meanwhile, theory of Djajasudarma and Abdulwahid are used in analyzing Sundanese derivational affixes.

The research results show that there are prefixes and suffixes in types of English derivational affixes. The types of Sundanese derivational affixes are prefixes, suffixes, infixes, and confixes. The functions of both English and Sundanese derivational affixes are to create new lexeme whether change the parts of speech or not. The meanings of English derivational affixes are negation, actions, results, etc. The meanings of Sundanese derivational affixes are result, state, etc. The similarities of English and Sundanese derivational affixes are both English and Sundanese derivational affixes have prefixes and suffixes processes. Then both English and Sundanese have verbalization, adjectivication, and nominalization. The differences of English and Sundanese derivational affixes are English derivational affixes forms new English words through prefixation and suffixation; meanwhile, there are infixation and confixation in Sundanese. In English, there is derivational affix to form adverb, but there is no derivational affix to form adverb in Sundanese. In English, derivational suffixes have more types than derivational prefix; whereas, in Sundanese, derivational prefixes have greater number than derivational suffixes. In context of meaning, English derivational affixes have prefixes that have negative meaning, but Sundanese derivational affixes have no prefixes that denote negative meaning.

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