
Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

Descriptive Analysis of Baby’s Paralinguistic Features


This research is intended to describe gestures and facial expressions showed by baby in the daily activity. It also reveals what the functions of paralinguistic features used by baby in the daily activity.

The research belongs to descriptive qualitative. Research object of this research is baby’s paralinguistic features, which are presented in pictures as the data. The data are taken from internet sources and the other data sources taken from books. Collecting the data, the researcher uses noting technique. Technique for analyzing data is qualitative analysis, because the data are in the form of pictures and words.

The findings of this research reveal that paralinguistic features in this research are gestures and facial expressions. The form of gestures are rising hand, pointing hand, squirming the body, putting tongue out, and expelling food from mouth. In the term of facial expression, there are smiling thinking seriously, extending a lip as baby uses a sign (mencebik), crying, and pasted smile in the daily activity used to express their complementing, substituting, and facilitating. The findings also reveal that there are three functions of paralinguistic features as the nonverbal language used by baby in the daily activity namely complementing, substituting, and facilitating.

Arba’ati Nursiyam

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