
Selasa, 01 April 2008

The example of Method of Language Research

Methodology is the strategy, process, or procedure as a way to collect and to analyze the data of the research. Hadi (1989:9) claims that research methodology is a science which discusses the ways or strategies to be employed in the effort to collect, to find, to develop and to verify the correctness of knowledge by using research method. There are two steps taken by the researcher in conducting the paper, including:
1. Method of Collecting Data
The data of the research are classified into two, namely main data and supporting data. Here, main data are all the utterances spoken by the debaters during debate. Meanwhile, supporting data are obtained by reviewing some books, dictionaries, and articles in Internet sites related to the topics of the study.
In Linguistics research, Sudaryanto (1986:33) explains five strategies to collect the data; they are, Recording Technique (Teknik Rekam), the strategy which uses recording instrument; Note Technique (Teknik Catat), the strategy which uses book, note and other document to analyze the object of the research; Separating Technique (Teknik Pisah), the strategy to separate the similarities and differences of the distribution; Transferring Technique (Teknik Balik), the strategy to transfer the data to other data or other books and Changing Technique (Teknik Ganti), the strategy to change the data which are not necessary understand.
The writer applies three of five strategies mentioned above, namely Recording Technique, Note Technique, and Transferring Technique. Recording Technique is used to record the spoken data produced by the debaters during debate. Here, some research instrument such as tape recorder and cassettes are employed. Note Technique is used to note the data that support the research, such as books, dictionaries, and articles in internet sites related to the discussion. The last is Transferring Technique that is used to transcribe the spoken data into the written ones.
The following are the procedures used to collect the data:
1.1 Firstly, the writer prepares the instruments to collect the data, such as tape recorder and cassettes to record the utterances spoken by the debaters.
1.2 Secondly, she records all the utterances spoken by the debaters during debate.
1.3 The last is transcribing the spoken data into the written form.

2. Method of Analyzing Data
In this study, the writer uses descriptive qualitative method which focuses on words rather than number. Further, Bogdan and Taylor (1975:5) define qualitative method as procedure of research producing descriptive data which is integrated in a form of words and sentences. Therefore, the result of this research would be the description of Interference in English debate as a language phenomenon. Moreover, the writer also employs contrastive analysis performed by Soepomo. Contrastive Analysis, according to him, is an analysis to compare the system of two or more different languages (unpublished: 49). It compares two objects by opposing them in order to find out the difficulties in acquiring the foreign language.
There are some steps taken by the researcher to analyze the object. The first, she starts to find the utterances which indicate the influence of Indonesian language in the debate. Having found the utterances, she classifies the data based on the kinds of errors, whether in Morpho-syntax , or Vocabulary category. The next is making data card as pictured below:

001/01/AFF    And me as the Affirmative side of the House support the motion…

001 : Number of Datum (e.g. Datum 1)
01 : Speaker’s standing position in a team (e.g. The First Speaker)
AFF : Speaker’s standing team (e.g. Affirmative Team)

The last is showing the error then comparing Indonesian language rule with the Standard English. In order to acquire the answer of the research problem, she makes the conclusion based on the data analysis.

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