
Sabtu, 28 November 2009

A Comparative Study between English and Balinese Bound Morphemes


This research talks about the comparison between two languages, namely English and Balinese. The writer focuses on English and Balinese bound morphemes. The goal of her discussion is to find out the similarities and differences between English and Balinese bound morpheme.

The writer employs descriptive and comparative method. The data analysis is done by synchronic comparative method; comparing two languages, namely English and Balinese especially in bound morphemes. In getting data, the writer takes the data from some books, Bali grammar books, and other sources. To collect data, the writer uses some techniques, such as noting technique, the writer uses two techniques they are description and comparison. In description: this thesis discusses English and Balinese by using the approach that has descriptive characteristics. The writer starts analyzing by describing: the kinds of English bound morpheme, the kinds of Balinese bound morphemes and point by point comparison. To find out similarities and differences of the elements between English and Balinese bound morpheme the writer contras the two languages through point by point comparison; Comparison in the form of bound morphemes. To make analyzes easier, the writer uses the following procedures: presenting the data, translating, and comparing.

The result is, there are some similarities and differences between English and Balinese bound morphemes. The similarities and differences are found in kinds and form of system. And it would be skinny in this research.



The aims of this research are describing the characteristics of women’s
language and finding out the construction of gender identities in the terms of
hedging and boosting devices in Legally Blonde film.
This research uses sociolinguistic approach. And the object of this
research is all the utterances uttered by female characters in Legally Blonde film.

The source of the data is taken from the script of Legally Blonde film. For
collecting the data the writer uses Teknik Simak Bebas Libat Cakap (Non
Participative Technique) and also uses noting technique. After finding all the data
needed, the researcher classifies them into two classifications based on Lakoff’s
theory. The first classification is hedging devices and the second one is boosting
devices. After having classified the data, the writer tries to find the gender
construction identities in the terms of hedging devices and boosting devices.

The findings of this research show that there are characteristics of
women’s language in the terms of hedging and boosting devices. The final
findings show that in the terms of hedging devices; it is found that lexical hedge
or filler and question intonation represent the most appearance of hedging devices.
This means the female characters’ utterances show uncertainty. They are
uncertain about what they are saying and explicitly signal of lack of confidence.
Meanwhile, in the terms of boosting devices, it is found that intensifiers represent
the highest frequency. They utter intensifiers in order to boost the force and to
strengthen the meaning of other words in their utterances. Then, the gender
construction identities found in this film is that women construct their gender
identities as polite, uncertain, powerless, lack of confident, unconvinced people
and need to be paid attention. Those all are caused by their subordinate social
group. Therefore they use language which reinforces their relatively inferior
position and that they conclude in their own subordination by how they
communicate to the others. And from the context of Legally Blonde film, the
writer also finds that women care with their performance. It is done by going to
salon, going shopping, using perfumery, gossiping, using certain color, such as:
pink, magenta color, etc, and they are more sensitive than men.

A Study of Technical Terms Used in Menu of Siemens Mobile Phones Guide Books

This study entitled “A Study of Technical Terms Used in Menu of Siemens Mobile Phones Guide Books” is intended to find out the forms of words and phrases bearing lexical meaning and the contextual meaning in the menu of Siemens mobile phones guide books.

This research belongs to a qualitative research, because the data are not analyzed by using statistical procedure or calculation. The writer describes and analysis data are in the form of words and phrases. The writer analyzes the data by the following procedures; a) collecting the menu of Siemens mobile phones guide books, b) reading the menu of Siemens mobile phones guide books, c) finding and classifying the words having lexical and contextual meanings, d) Writing the words bearing the lexical and contextual meaning, e) Saving them in files, and f) drawing conclusion.

The result of this research shows that the forms bearing lexical and contextual meanings are words and phrases. The lexical and contextual meanings can be noun, verb, and adjective. The types of phrases are noun phrase and adjective phrase.