
Selasa, 16 Desember 2008



This research entitled Rapport and Address Terms in Meg Cabot’s Film Version ‘The Princess Diaries’ is intended to analyze rapport and address terms found in the film. It is also aimed to find out the influence of the rapport toward the use of appropriate address terms and the correlation between both variables.

Qualitative and quantitative methods are applied. The qualitative method is used to analyze the data in form of words and the quantitative method is used to find the magnitude. In collecting the data, the researcher browses the script of the film from the internet and she matches the data with the film. Meanwhile, in analyzing the data, the researcher does four steps: reducing step, displaying step, analyzing step, and concluding step.

The findings of the research show that there are five variants of address terms used in the film: First Name (FN), Last Name (LN), Title alone, Kin Term, and No Naming. FN is most frequently used in the film (51. 28%), followed by Title alone (25. 64%), No Naming (9. 62%), Kin Terms (8. 97%), and LN (4. 49%). Most of terms used are in non-reciprocal way (82. 05%). All of the address terms are classified into three categories of affiliative motivation: neutral affiliative motivation (51. 28%), positive affiliative motivation (28. 21%), and negative affiliative motivation (20. 51%). From those numbers above, the researcher finds that there are 17. 86 % reciprocal positive affiliative motivations, 25 % reciprocal negative affiliative motivations, 30. 47 % non-reciprocal positive affiliative motivations, and 16. 41 % non-reciprocal negative affiliative motivations. Therefore, the tendency of reciprocal positive affiliative motivation is 1. 45 % bigger than the non-reciprocal negative affiliative motivation. It means that the positive affiliative motivation, showing happiness, commonly happens in reciprocal way in which there is higher solidarity and intimacy rather than in non-reciprocal relationship. It can be concluded that the choice of those address terms is indirectly determined by affiliative motivation, or what the so-called rapport establishment, which is determined at the beginning of conversation.

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