
Kamis, 15 Januari 2009



Information technology using mass media to convey information to all people develops very fast. Because language is a means of communication, people should equip themselves by mastering language better. Related to the importance of language, the research entitled “An Analysis of the Syntactic Variants of The Jakarta Post’s Headlines” is important to conduct. This research is aimed to find out the English phrases that occur in the headlines of The Jakarta Post newspaper, the variants of English phrases in the headlines of The Jakarta Post newspaper, and what kind of the variants of English phrases which are mostly used in the headlines of The Jakarta Post newspaper.

This research sample is taken from The Jakarta Post newspaper as the data source. In this research, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative and quantitative presentation model. By using some techniques, namely; data reduction technique, matrix display technique, and conclusion drawing and verification technique, the researcher analyzes the headlines of The Jakarta Post newspaper published from April – June 2007.

The result of this research shows that all of English phrases are found in the headlines of The Jakarta Post newspaper. Among those English phrases, noun phrase is the typical appearance of English phrases since it has the highest frequent of occurrence. Related to the variants of noun phrase, noun phrase has nine variant. From the result of analysis, all of the variants of noun phrase are found in the headlines of The Jakarta Post newspaper. The variant (N with pre-modifiers and post-modifiers) remains the typical appearance of the variants of noun phrase for it appears in a lot of number. Doing analysis of the variant of verb phrase, verb phrase has four variants. Yet each of those variants also has their own sub variants. In this research, all of those four variants of verb phrase are found in The Jakarta Post’s headlines. The variant (one modal + V) becomes the typical appearance of the variants of verb phrase. Based on the analysis of the variants of prepositional phrase, prepositional phrase has five kinds and all of those variants are used in the Jakarta Post’s headlines. In this research, the variant (Prep + NP) remains the typical appearance of the variants of prepositional phrase in the headlines of The Jakarta Post newspaper. Related to the variant of adjective phrase, adjective phrase has two variants. From the research, both variants are used in The Jakarta Post’s headlines. The variant (adverb of intensifier (original word) + adjective) is the typical appearance of this variant. Based on the analysis of the variants of adverbial phrase, adverbial phrase also has two variants. Both variants are used in the headlines of The Jakarta Post newspaper. Since the variant (adverb of intensifier (by adding suffix-ly) + adverb) appears in more number, it is considered as the typical appearance of the variants of adverbial phrase in this research.

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