
Minggu, 23 Maret 2008


Indana Zulfa


The title of the research is “The Sentence Analysis of Air Supply’s English Songs”. This research is conducted to find out the kinds of sentences and the highest frequency of sentences in Air Supply’s songs. The writer takes the Air Supply albums; there are 3 kinds of albums: News from Nowhere, Once Upon a Time, The Book of Love.

The research object of this study is the sentence taken from Air Supply lyrics. To collect the data, the writer uses library research, this method consists of reading, writing, printing, and listening to Air Supply`s cassettes (observation and make a note). The analysis of the data is descriptive analysis and divided into five steps: collecting the Air Supply albums, reading the lyrics, typing the lyrics, analyzing and identifying the sentence’s type. This is a qualitative research using sentence analysis. The kinds of sentences that are used are according to full predication; they are: Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound Complex, and Complex Compound. And kinds of sentences based on the type are: Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, and Exclamatory.

The result of the study shows that there are183 Simple sentences (+ statement) or 35. 40%, 64 Complex sentences or 12. 38 %, 50 Compound sentences or 67%, 38 Simple sentences (+ command/ request) or 7. 35%, 27 Compound - complex sentences or 5. 22%, 25 Simple sentences (- statement) or 4. 48%, 24 Simple sentences (who question) or 4. 64%, 18 Simple sentences (yes/no question) or 3. 48 %, 18 Complex - compound sentences 3. 48%, 18 Others (phrase) or 3. 48%, 17 If clause or 3. 29 %, 11 Simple sentences (- command/request) or 2. 13%, 8 Simple sentences (passive voice) or 1. 55%, 6 Simple sentences (subject question) 1. 16%, 6 Simple sentences (interjection) or 1. 16%, and 4 Simple sentences (exclamation) or 0. 77%.

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