
Selasa, 29 April 2008


Aji Wicaksono


The writer in this thesis chooses a novel entitled The Devil and Miss Prym by Paulo Coelho as the topic of his writing. The Devil and Miss Prym is Coelho’s third novel. In September 2002, five of Coelho’s books were simultaneously on the bestseller list in Russia, with The Devil and Miss Prym at number one, followed by Alchemist, The Manual of the Warrior Light, Veronica Decide to Die and The Fifth Mountain. This research is intended to analyze the intrinsic elements of the novel. The writer interprets its intrinsic aspects, for instance: the theme, plot, setting, character and characterization, and man’s light and darkness.

The type of this study is a library research which consists of primary data and secondary data. The primary data of this research is taken from the novel The Devil and Miss Prym, while the secondary data are taken from other sources like books, journals, articles, related to the topic. The subject of this research is the novel The Devil and Miss Prym, the object of this research is the intrinsic elements of the novel and man’s light and darkness. In technique of analyzing data, the writer does an in-depth text analysis and describes them with descriptive qualitative method under objective approach by Abrams, the man’s light and darkness by Poespoprodjo, Poedwijatna and Ten Commandments.

The result of the research can be described as follows The themes of the novel is divided into two: major theme and minor themes. The major theme is human’s morality, and the minor themes are evil’s attitude and human temptation. The plot of The Devil and Miss Prym is divided into five distinct sections: introduction, rising action, climax, falling action and catastrophe. The plot is called a progressive plot because the story moves forward. The setting of The Devil and Miss Prym can be divided into two: setting of place and setting of time. The setting of place occurs in the Viscos, hotel, forest, Berta’s house and Celtic monolith. The setting of time is in a week, Carlos came to Viscos. The characters of the novel can be divided into two: major characters and minor characters. The major characters of The Devil and Miss Prym are Chantal Prym, Carlos and Berta. The minor characters are the hotel landlady, mayor’s wife, mayor, land owner and pastor. There are some moral values that can be gained from this novel are accepting fate in life and following God commandments. Light and darkness in the novel can be categorizes as good and evil attitude in human life. Carlos attitude described as darkness in the story and Chantal attitude described as light attitude.

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